Using a Retained Search Firm when trying to fill a position can be very effective and save your company a lot of time and money.
By using retained search firms, you eliminate a lot of the risk involved during the hiring process. Retained search firms offer comprehensive research, large talent banks, and thorough investigations of candidates. Instead of working on many projects at a time, recruiters work on only a handful of projects, giving your needs priority.
Time is money. Retained search removes the often overwhelming process of candidate acquisition away from current employees or HR departments, and allows them to fulfill other priorities of their positions. Search firms focus their resources and already possess a large database of potential employees. Filling whatever position your company needs will be their sole priority, ensuring that all of their energy can be directed towards your needs. By allowing them to take care of the hiring process, it saves companies time and energy best served elsewhere.
In any business relationship, a clear line of communication is essential. This is especially true when speaking with candidates about a potential career change, and speaking to companies about the qualifications needed for specific positions. Executive Search Firms act as a model buffer between candidates and company, obtaining all the information necessary to bring the ideal candidate to the attention of our clients.
For Senior Level Positions, Companies are often looking for specific talent in narrow fields. Searching for an employee at this level takes a lot of time and energy. It often can’t be done without the expert help and industry knowledge that retained search firms provide. The people who work for executive search firms do this for a living, and their experience exceeds what others can do. Recruiters have excellent research and interpersonal skills, making it easier for them to determine whether a person is qualified and if they fit into a company’s culture.